Elevate Your Advocacy: Five Ways Right to Read Advocacy Supports Dyslexia Advocates and Related Professionals

Are you passionate about advocating for dyslexic students? Do you want to make a greater impact and elevate your advocacy work? If so, joining Right to Read Advocacy’s membership program might be just what you need! Right to Read Advocacy is a dynamic organization dedicated to supporting advocates championing the rights of students with dyslexia. 

Here are the Top Five Reasons Advocates and Related Professionals are Loving Right to Read Advocacy’s Membership Program:

1. Professional Branding

One of the standout benefits of joining Right to Read Advocacy is the instant credibility you gain from being associated with a well-respected brand. Right to Read Advocacy was founded by Jennifer Bernheim whose compelling personal story has resonated with many and helped build a strong, trusted brand. 

As a member, you can leverage this powerful branding to establish your own credibility. This professional edge will make a significant difference when connecting with parents, schools, and other stakeholders.

2. Social Media Management

In today’s digital age, maintaining an active and engaging social media presence is crucial for any advocate. However, it can also be incredibly time-consuming. 

Right to Read Advocacy lifts that burden by handling social media management for you. We ensure that our organization’s online presence is consistent and impactful, with regular posts and engaging content that highlights our members advocacy efforts. This service not only saves you time but also helps you reach a broader audience and make a more significant impact.

3. Streamlined Admin Tasks

Administrative tasks can be a major headache, but they’re essential to running an effective advocacy practice. Our membership simplifies these tasks by providing HIPAA-compliant software that handles client contact management, contracts, and invoices. 

This streamlined system allows you to focus more on your clients and less on paperwork. The efficiency of Right to Read Advocacy’s administrative support means you can manage your practice more smoothly and provide better service to your clients.

4. Proactive PR Strategy

Building a strong public presence is key to becoming a thought leader in the field of dyslexia advocacy. Right to Read Advocacy helps you achieve this through targeted media outreach. We actively work to position you as an expert in dyslexia advocacy. 

This proactive PR strategy helps enhance your professional reputation and also helps you attract more clients and opportunities. With this member benefit, you can focus on what you do best while we ensure you’re getting the recognition you deserve.

5. Collaborative Community

Being part of a supportive community can make all the difference in your advocacy journey. Right to Read Advocacy offers a network of advocates who share your passion and dedication. Through this community, we share best practices, learn from others, and find inspiration. 

Our weekly collaboration sessions are often considered a top benefit of membership as they allow us the opportunity to work together as opposed to being a solo practitioner. This collaborative environment fosters growth and helps you stay motivated and informed. 

A computer screen showing and online meeting.

Bonus: Additional Member Benefits

Beyond these top five benefits, our membership offers numerous others that make membership even more valuable. From exclusive resources and tools to ongoing support and guidance, Right to Read Advocacy is committed to empowering its members. 

We provide everything you need to be an effective advocate, from educational materials to advocacy tips and strategies. Joining means you have access to a wealth of knowledge and support that can help you make a real difference in the lives of dyslexic students and their families.

What are Advocates and Related Professionals Saying about Right to Read Advocacy?

Member Allison Meyerson of New York shares the impact joining Right to Read Advocacy has had on her and her practice:

“I had plans…big plans. I finished the advocacy coursework and felt ready to start advocating for dyslexic students and families. Just one slight problem: How to begin? Website, public relations, advertising, insurance, my list was never-ending. I knew WHAT I wanted to do, but I couldn’t figure out the HOW. And then I met Jennifer.

Within days of joining Right to Read Advocacy, all my ‘how’ questions were answered.

Where on my own I was feeling overwhelmed, as part of Right to Read Advocacy I feel confident, prepared, and provided with the necessary data to be successful. Jennifer takes care of everything: public relations, website, invoicing, and marketing while consistently offering help and advice every step of the way. Our weekly meetings are so helpful, and she is never more than a phone call, text, or email away.

I am so incredibly grateful that I met Jennifer Bernheim and joined Right to Read Advocacy. Together we help many children get the help they need.”

Ready to Join?

Ready to take your advocacy to the next level? Consider joining Right to Read Advocacy. The benefits are clear, and the impact you can make is substantial. For more information, visit our Membership Page!

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