Right to Read Membership


For Advocates + Related Professionals

Right to Read Advocacy offers a yearly membership providing business consulting and administrative support for special education advocates and related professionals who are focused on educating and empowering dyslexic students and their families.

Why should I become a member?

Our done-for-you marketing, business resources, and collaborative community give you everything you need to focus on serving your clients.

Access to a professional brand

The Right to Read Advocacy (RTRA) brand was built upon founder Jennifer Bernheim’s story of navigating the needs of her dyslexic son. Her story has resonated with the media and resulted in numerous media placements across print, television, and radio including care.com. As a member you will benefit from the growing brand awareness and you will become a part of the brand story.

The brand has been professionally designed in collaboration with Dotted Design Studio.

Active social media management

RTRA continues to grow its digital footprint by consistently posting and being actively engaged on many social media platforms. Jennifer also regularly writes blog content for the RTRA website and shares the content across the social media platforms.

As a member, you will benefit from the continued and consistent posting on social media and through regularly published blog content, all of which supports search engine optimization for the website. While you will not need to create or manage social media content, we do ask that you share the content to help enhance brand awareness. If you love to write and want to contribute content, then, we’d love to feature you!

Streamlined proposal to payment process

RTRA utilizes a HIPAA compliant client relationship software that allows both you and your client to share and access documents securely. Through this portal, RTRA also manages your custom proposals, contracts, and invoices while you determine your professional rates. We remove the burden of these administrative tasks so that you can focus on serving your clients.

Proactive public relations strategy

At RTRA we believe in the power of public relations. Proactive promotion of the brand and its member supports the purpose of educating and empowering parents of dyslexic learners. The more families that know about the quality of our services and who tap into our network of trusted professionals, the more families we can help!

Our agency of record is kok Public Relations. They actively engage in media pitching to help tell the RTRA story and establish our members as thought leaders in the industry. Jennifer also actively looks for opportunities to serve as a guest blogger and speaker. With more than 20 years of public relations experience, Jennifer is well versed in writing, teaching, facilitating, community building, and public speaking.

Community and collaboration

When you become a member of RTRA, you join a community of members who are collaborative, always working together to provide the best outcome for their individual clients. We are are focused on developing a nationwide network of like-minded members who are focused on developing industry best practices that lead to the best possible client outcomes.

Continued educational opportunities

As a membership organization, RTRA offers various educational opportunities throughout the year such as internal webinars and a member newsletter, which will provide information about relevant external events. The member newsletter will feature this information as well as relevant news articles.

During membership calls, we will also talk about trends that we are seeing in special education – we will learn from each other! RTRA looks forward to hosting an annual member retreat.

Membership Benefits


  • Access to HIPAA compliant client relationship software, which includes client portal 

  • Streamlined proposal, contract, invoice, and payment process 

  • Branded email address with advanced security 

  • Professionally designed and printed business cards 

  • Educational webinars


  • License for RTRA professional brand image and logo

  • Proactive public relations strategy including media outreach

  • Biography inclusion on RTRA’s regularly maintained website 

  • Content creation and consistent posting across relevant social platforms 

  • Blog content creation for RTRA website, which is shared across social platforms


  • Access to a community of like-minded advocates and related professionals

  • Collaboration with members who work to provide the best possible client outcomes

  • Advocate member newsletter 

  • Weekly membership team meetings (virtual) 

  • Collaboration with founder who has 20+ years of public relations experience


“I had plans…big plans. I finished the advocacy coursework and felt ready to start advocating for dyslexic students and families. Just one slight problem: How to begin? Website, public relations, advertising, insurance, my list was never-ending. I knew WHAT I wanted to do, but I couldn’t figure out the HOW. And then I met Jennifer.

They say one person can change your life…and for me and my career as a non-attorney special education advocate, that person is Jennifer Bernheim. Jennifer has a warm and accepting manner that immediately puts you at ease. She is goal-oriented, organized, intelligent, and knowledgeable. Within days of joining Right to Read Advocacy, all my ‘how’ questions were answered.

Where on my own I was feeling overwhelmed, as part of Right to Read Advocacy I feel confident, prepared, and provided with the necessary data to be successful. Jennifer takes care of everything: public relations, website, invoicing, and marketing while consistently offering help and advice every step of the way. Our weekly meetings are so helpful, and she is never more than a phone call, text, or email away.

I am so incredibly grateful that I met Jennifer Bernheim and joined Right to Read Advocacy. Together we help many children get the help they need.”


Membership Requirements

Membership is offered to professionals that meet the following criteria:

  • Successful completion of intake interview with a member of RTRA’s executive team

  • Private practice professional liability insurance through the International Dyslexia Association or other company/organization acceptable to RTRA

  • Proof of LLC (recommended)

  • Commitment to attend virtual weekly team meetings

Additional requirements for advocates:

  • Successful completion of advocacy training such as COPAA SEAT 1.0 or Dyslexia Training Institute’s Dyslexia Advocate Certificate Program

  • Professional advocacy experience satisfactory to RTRA

  • Adherence to COPAA’s Advocate Voluntary Code of Ethics

Additional requirements for related professionals:

  • Appropriate professional credentialing

  • Commitment to yearly continuing education credits

  • Adherence to professional association code of ethics

Apply for membership today!

If you are interested in applying for membership or have additional questions, please email founder and membership director Jennifer Bernheim at jbernheim@righttoreadadvocacy.com, call 203-293-8601, or complete the form below and we will contact you for more information.