MYdys App Supports Dyslexic Learners and Classroom Teachers

Using OCR technology and AI, MYdys will convert any image, whether it be traditional typed documents or handwritten notes, to text. From there, users can select from several different customizations including different fonts, increasing the size of characters, increasing the spacing between letters, words, and lines, changing the background color, and highlighting numbers and letters that are commonly inverted.
— David Kaye, Director of K-12 Support Initiatives with MYdys

The new MYdys app empowers students by enabling them to make real-time adjustments to any captured text and supports teacher of dyslexic students. While this app is a win-win for students and teachers, it’s also award-winning, earning an innovation award at CES last spring and awards for Tech & Learning, as well as receiving the highest possible rating from the Educational App Store. The app was also featured in this article. David Kaye, Director of K-12 Support Initiatives with MYdys, shared his insight about the new app. As a mom to a dyslexic learner, I love learning about new tech tools that will further enhance learning.

Q: Tell our readers about MYdys.

The MYdys app supports dyslexic learners.

A: MYdys is a first of its kind assistive technology app that allows users to make real-time adjustments to any text by simply snapping a picture (on ANY smartphone, tablet, Chromebook) OR BY DIRECTLY UPLOADING text (course outlines, assignments, tests, etc.) to the app. Since there is no ‘one size fits all’ for those that struggle with dyslexia, users can choose from several different customizable settings that address to their areas of struggle, consequently empowering students to read easier and increase comprehension.

Q: Why was the app created?

A: MYdys was created by a company a French company called Facil’iti. For the last several years, Facil’iti focused on making websites more accessible for those with several different visual and motor impairments. Even though close to 4 million people benefit from using Facil’iti every day, we wanted to create something focused on supporting specifically those that struggle with dyslexia that can be used in everyday life. More-so, a big focus has been on introducing MYdys to schools, as many school and district leaders have shared that they lack the tools, resources, and teacher bandwidth to meet the varying needs of dyslexic students.

Q: What are the key features of the app?

A: Using OCR technology and AI, MYdys will convert any image, whether it be traditional typed documents or handwritten notes, to text. From there, users can select from several different customizations including different fonts, increasing the size of characters, increasing the spacing between letters, words, and lines, changing the background color, and highlighting numbers and letters that are commonly inverted. Users can also have the text read aloud to them in different voices and speeds, and they can follow along as the words are highlighted as the voice reads them. Additionally, users can have the text translated into over 15 languages and have the text read aloud in their native language. Lastly, students can send their converted text to a printer, computer, or a smartboard.

With the MYdys app, users can snap a photo of text and make adjustments to font style, size, and line spacing.

Q: Who benefits most from your app?

A: First and foremost, those that struggle with dyslexia. However, we have found MYdys to be a huge help to teachers, most of which are already overwhelmed. Teachers already struggle to adapt to the varying needs and learning styles of their students, differences that have been exacerbated by the events of the last few years. Plus, given that 10% to 20% of their students have dyslexia, often undiagnosed, the challenge becomes much greater. Universally, teachers have shared MYdys to be a huge time saver, while also benefitting their students.

Q: How do our readers learn more about this helpful app?

A: Readers can feel free to reach out to me at I would be happy to give them a 10-minute demo, and if they find value in the app, set them up with free trial licenses. Additionally, readers can download a free 30-day trial of the premium version by visiting: There is also a free version available, which is not ideal for the classroom, but can be downloaded on the App Store or Google Play.

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